Core Goal 1: Economic Self-Sufficiency
- Provide incentives to families with children where the head of household is working; is seeking work; or is preparing for work by participating in job training, educational programs, or programs that assist people to obtain employment and become economically self sufficient.
Core Goal 1: Challenges and Opportunities
- Cultural and geographic diversity
- Unique job training and job readiness needs/opportunities
- Need wraparound supportive services for our residents/participants
- Focus on Youth development
Example of Economic Self-Sufficiency
- Job training and vocational training programs for unique Hawaiian industries, high demand jobs in Hawaii, virtual job opportunities.
- Work readiness training.
- Wrap around case management and service referrals.
- Focus on Youth development educational and vocational training, homework help, tutoring, clubs and activities, recreation, mentoring, early childhood parent/child activities.
- Incentive accounts to encourage work, savings, and wealth development.
- Financial incentives for achieving training and educational goals
- These programs can be made possible through MTW funding flexibility.
Core Goal 2: Housing Choice
- Increase housing choices for eligible low income families.
Core Goal 2: Challenges and Opportunities
- Extreme Housing Affordability/Availability
- Pressures (limited affordable housing inventory)
- Preserve HPHA’s affordable housing
- Increase housing options
Example of Housing Choice
- Mobility counseling for HCV participants
- Increased payment standards for high opportunity neighborhoods
- Landlord recruitment and retention incentives
- Increased use of Project Based Vouchers (PBVs) in high opportunity neighborhoods
- Rehab and modernize existing housing portfolio
- Preserve and develop mixed income housing units
Core Goal 3: Effective Operations
- Reduce cost and achieve greater cost effectiveness in federal expenditures.
Core Goal 3: Challenges and Opportunities
- Streamline administrative processes for PH and HCV programs, reduce burden on residents/participants.
Example of Efective Operations
- Increased flexibility to the PBV program: selection, increase # of PBVs, increase PBV contract lengths
- Streamlining HQS inspection process: Pre qualifying unit inspections, self certifying minor violations to HQS, reduced frequency of HQS inspections
- Simplifying rent calculations
- Alternative re examination schedule