Here you can find opportunities to do business with the HPHA and learn more about our contracting policies and standards.
Listed below are all OPEN notices for solicitations and requests for information issued by the HPHA for the procurement of goods and services, construction, and professional services.
Furnish Security Services at Various Properties Under Asset Management Project 31, 32 and 35 on Oahu
Invitation for Bids, CMB-09-2025, Furnish Preventive Maintenance Services and Repairs to Elevators At Halia Hale, Hale Poai and Laiola Under Management Unit 42 on Oahu
Furnish Security Services at Puahala Homes under Asset Management Project 31 and the Hawaii Public Housing Authority Administrative Offices on Oahu
Provide Quality Control Service Review of Tenant Income Recertification Files for the State and Federal Low Income Public Housing and Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Programs
Provide Operation and Maintenance Services to Individual Wastewater Systems at Various Low Income Public Housing Properties Under Asset Management Project 38 on Kauai and Asset Management Project 37, 43 and 46 on Hawaii Island
Notice to Providers of Professional Services for State Capital Improvement Program & Federal Capital Fund Program Project, FY 2025.
Furnish Labor, Material and Equipment for fire alarm system upgrade at Punchbowl Homes (AMP 35) on Oahu
Furnish Labor, Material and Equipment for Burned Unit Repairs at Makua Alii and Security Improvements at AMP 34 on Oahu
Furnish Labor and Materials for Site and Building Improvements at Kaimalino Under Asset Management Project 43 on Hawaii Island
The HPHA's Contracts & Procurement Office (CPO) is responsible for overseeing the procurement of all goods, construction, and professional services for the agency. CPO's primary objective is to provide a procurement system of quality and integrity that insures all HPHA purchasing actions are in full compliance with applicable laws, rules, and regulations.
Vendors, contractors, and service providers must be compliant with all applicable statutes and regulations. As a State agency, the HPHA must verify compliance of all contractors it does business with. The HPHA highly recommends that all prospective vendors, contractors, and service providers register on the (HCE) which provides a quick and easy way to document complianc
No contract shall be awarded to entities that are debarred, suspended, or deemed ineligible by the State of Hawaii or the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.